"You must aim to achieve the goal that you are dreaming about!" Has anyone ever given you this advice? I'm sure it was a concerned or caring parent, teacher, or friend. I however want to confess that it is not as easy as it seems.
Aiming to hit that perfect spot, the bullseye on a dartboard or the center of the target in archery is not as simple as it sounds. Not only is it not easy or a simple act of aiming, but it is also darn hard. Aiming is hard because in aiming lies a paradox. By aiming to reach the goal a critic appears. An invisible judge pointing directly to all the aspects where we fall short, how we are not enough. The judge points out where we are falling short of the target.
Do I believe in aiming to reach goals?
Yes and No!
Allow me to unpack my thought and ideas in the brand new blog series. I invite you to share your thoughts openly as I want to also learn from you.
With love always,